Oh yes,this is a tribute to my beloved Queen's Road East Public Toilet.Before I knew Jubilee Street Public Toilet,this was my favourite public toilet.
Even though Jubilee Street Public Toilet is my favourite now,it still can't take over the place of this toilet.
The photos you see here were taken in December 2003.When I took these photos,I didn't know it was going to be the very last time that I will ever see this toilet again.
I discovered this toilet in December 2002,on my way down from The Peak.I decided to explore the old Wan Chai Market Public Toilet and ended up here.
What you see here is the 1st model of squatting VICTORY.What was fun about this toilet is that it had a variety of brands.
The dominating brand and model is this.But you can also find Armitage Shanks(Singapore Model) and American Standards here.
It's fun to flush each and everyone of them and hear all the different flushing sounds.A symphony is being created as all of them are being flushed.
The photos are a bit on the blur side because they were taken in a rush.Back then I didn't know how to disable the flash.
There was someone in the toilet and he was kind of shocked by me taking photos.I had to quickly finish taking my photos and buzz off.
It's a pity that there's no video on this toilet.When taking these photos,I thought I would have another chance of going back.I would probably go back later when it was less crowded.But sad to say...the chance never came.:(
When I went back again in 2004,nothing was left there.I thought I was at the wrong place.BUT...my toilet was gone forever.I was pretty upset that day.:(
However...the memories will live on forever.