At last,I'm able to write this post.It was tough trying to get all the pictures in place.Anyway,what you see here is known as "The Dream Toilet" to me.Why?Read on...
This is my favourite Public Toilet in Hong Kong.Reason is because it has my favourite brand,the squatting VICTORY.Not only that,there are 20 of them in this toilet.
Why is it called "The Dream Toilet"?Because sometimes I do dream of very big and spacious toilets containing all of my favourite brands.
This toilet is the only one that comes closest to what I see in my dream.
Anyway,that was a little off tangent.Let me talk about the background of this toilet.It's probably the only public toilet that's not renovated.
Nowdays,it's almost impossible to find squatting VICTORYs in public toilets.You probably can find them in old cafes or restaurants.Those that have not been renovated yet.
I guess the reason why this toilet is not renovated is because the Hong Kong government is planning to sell this plot of land to real estate developers.
This toilet is part of the Central Market.It has been here since 1939.But I believe that this toilet is not as old as that.Squatting VICTORYs belong to the 1980s era.
But compared with the others like Kimware,American Standard and Twyfords,it's considered pretty old.
This toilet may be closed down or worse,demolished.It depends on what the goverment wants to do with this plot of land.
I have not talked much about VICTORYs.Let me share more about this brand...
This used to be Hong Kong's domineering brand in the late 1970s to late 1980s.You can find this brand almost anywhere in Hong Kong.
There are currently 3 models of squatting VICTORY.What you see here is the 2nd model.
I will post photos of the 1st model of VICTORY in the next post.
This 2nd model has 2 batches,old and new batch.The flushing sound is slightly different.The older batch sounds better.
I will post the videos so that you can compare the sounds.The old and new batch looks the same,except the brand logo is at different places.
For the new batch,you can only see the brand logo from the top view.
I will do another post mainly on VICTORYs.
Now let's talk about the 3rd model...the 3rd model is the latest model.
But the good news is that the latest VICTORY model sounds good.
VICTORY can also be found in Singapore.In fact,it was very popular in the late 1960s in Singapore.
The VICTORY from Singapore are totally different from those from Hong Kong.Their only similarity is their flushing sound.
I have a photo of a squatting VICTORY from Singapore,but I don't know if I'm able to take a video shoot of that toilet.I'll try to do it sometime soon.Hopefully that place has not renovated their toilets.
Right now,I'm going to share with you my favourite toilet video.I took this video during my trip to Hong Kong in March.I will always visit Jubilee Street Toilet when I go to Hong Kong.I don't know when...but I know it's days are numbered.
Just hope that the toilet will stay there longer.This video was taken in memory of my favourite toilet.Just in case one day when I go there,it's no longer around...
OK,enjoy it.
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