Actually didn't really planned to do an entry today,but I have a lot of new Hong Kong Public Toilets that I want to introduce in later entries.I have to finish this series before I start on the Hong Kong Public Toilets.
Anyway,in this entry,I will talk about the Long Squatting Armitage Shanks.This type of Armitage Shanks are only avaliable in Singapore.As you can see,the long shape is very typical of Singapore squatting toilets.
SP,Potex,JP,Saniton,Johore Pipe Co,Twyfords,Royal Doulton,Diamond Brand...and these brands with toilets found in Singapore all have this design.
There are 2 batches of Long Armitage Shanks.The older batch was manufactured in the mid 1970s.If you are lucky enough to find a building built between 1974 to say around 1980 and the toilet is not renovated,you might find something like this.
The brand logo of the older batch only consists of words.Armitage Shanks Viterous China on 3 lines.As you can see in the photo below.
The photo below was taken at Beauty World Plaza.This photo was taken 4 years ago.Fortunately,when I went back again sometime this year,the toilet was still around.I made use of the chance to shoot a video of it.
Let me comment on this video.Sad to say,something cocked up with the cistern.That's why it doesn't have the classical Armitage Shanks flushing sound.But I have no choice,this is the only toilet I can find in Singapore with a long squatting Armitage Shanks with a high cistern.
If you are interested,there is another place with this type of toilet,but it is a low cistern with a button on the cistern.I can tell you,the flushing sound sucks.
This other toilet is at Peace Center,Level 8 Offices Toilet.But the flushing sound sucks.If you really want to explore,go to the one at Beauty World Plaza.
Now,let's move on to the newer batch.The newer batch is manufactured between 1984 to 1986.Basing on personal experience,I find the newer batch more powerful.
So how do you tell the difference between the 2?
It's quite simple actually.The brand logo tells it all.The newer batch has an 'A' for the brand logo.There is no Viterous China and the whole thing is only 2 rows of words.
Look at the photo below and compare it with the previous photo,you will understand what I mean.

A little background of this toilet before the video...This toilet was built in 1985.It is located at the coffee shop below my house.Initially,the flushing system was valve flushing.Recently,the owner decided to change it to a high cistern.Which I believe is good news.
Before planning to shoot this toilet,I wanted to shoot those at the Corporation Road Market.But sad to say,the whole market was demolished when I went there.But I'm grateful that I managed to get this one on video.
So here you are...enjoy the video.
In this video,you can hear the classic Armitage Shanks flushing sound.In my opinion,this video is much much better than the previous one.
In the next part,I will present to you the Armitage Shanks of Malaysia and Hong Kong.
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