Saturday, July 21, 2007

China's American Standard

American Standard's squatting toilets have been very popular in Hong Kong.They can also be found in Malaysia and Thailand.

However,China has it's own style of American Standard toilets too.They are totally different from those in Hong Kong,Malaysia and Thailand.

The American Standard toilet that you will look at today is from SM Mall,Hu Li District,Xiamen.SM Mall is a relatively new shopping mall in Xiamen.The 2 places that I saw with American Standard toilets are SM Mall and the Carrefour along Xia He Road.

It seems that the malls with large department stores from overseas all use American Standard toilets in China.

This toilet is flushed by pushing down the handle on the pipe.It doesn't sound as powerful as the Hong Kong American Standards.

The shape is a little different from the Hong Kong version.The front part(i.e. the lower part,away from the water) of the toilet protrudes slightly upwards.

The other difference noted is that the brand logo is not located at the top,but facing the front.As shown in the photo above.I will do another post,showing the differences of the toilets.

Meanwhile,enjoy the video clip.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Xiamen's Public Toilet A037,Hou He Lane.

Doesn't this photo look familiar?Yes,it was included in one of the previous posts.If you ask me,I think this toilet doesn't really qualify my standards.But the reason why it is posted here is because of the sound difference.

Let me explain...Now,look at the photo below.Did you see that the design looks like Shidanna and the other new generation toilets?In fact,Fandanna also has a model that looks like this.

But I took a video shot of this toilet because of the flushing sound.The toilet may look like a Shidanna or Fandanna.But it sounds different from those 2.

I stumbled upon this toilet by chance.While I was combing the whole Xia He Road,I saw a WC sign and decided to venture into the small lane.

To my surprise,it's another toilet.I have found Public Toilets A032,A035 and A038.I was very happy to find A037.

This is not a new generation toilet.As you can see,it's dimly lit.But there are worse cases.I personally prefer these to the new generation ones.These older toilets are more uniquely designed.

All the new generation toilets look the same,sound the same.Besides,the new generation toilets have no flushing power.

Before I forget,this toilet's brand is Yuanlin.It's flushed by pushing the button on the pipe.Take a look at the video.Next week,you will be looking at a modern toilet...China's American Standard.Stay tuned.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Xiamen's Public Toilet A025,Off Si Ming Bei Road

Two visits.I made two visits to this toilet.Why?Because I was late on my first visit.That was when I learnt that Xiamen's Public Toilets close at 10:30 p.m.

This toilet is situated in a small narrow alley,off Si Ming Bei Road.It's quite easy to spot because it's visible from the main road.

The toilet attendant is a friendly guy.He was curious why I took photographs of the toilet.I told him that I was from Singapore and I'm a researcher of toilets.I managed to get plenty of toilet information from him.

Let me share some with you...

He told me that this toilet was renovated a few years ago.Before the renovation,there were no toilet bowls.Only the drainage system.

After the renovation,there was an increase in the number of cubicles.The setback is that the toilet is still dimly lit.

Then I came to realise that the toilet attendants of Xiamen have no fixed salary.The government don't pay them anything.They are expected to make money when visitors do "big business" and buy toilet paper from them.

The public toilet system of Xiamen is as follows...If you are peeing only,you don't have to pay.If you do "big business",you can pay 30 cents RMB for a few pieces of toilet roll.If you pay $1 RMB,you get a packet of facial tissue.

The blue board on the photo above shows this.It's not really visible.

These toilet attendants can only rely on selling toilet paper or packets of tissue for the daily income.Which is really tough.Most people go in and pee only.

I complimented this attendant on the cleanliness of his toilet.There was no stench when I visited it.

Now you'll learn about the brand name and the flushing system of this toilet.

The brand is "XINGWU" and it's flushed by the tap system.The design looks interesting to me.So far in Xiamen,I've only came across 2 toilets with "XINWU".One is this one.The other one is Public Toilet A024.

However,Public Toilet A024 is flushed by pushing the button on the pipe.I didn't bother shooting that one because the toilet was dimly lit.

Comparing their flushing sound,this toilet sounds better than Public Toilet A024.

Conclusion:The flushing system plays an important role in the flushing sound.2 identical toilets can sound different due to the flushing system.

Now,it's video time again...Enjoy.